Syria Situation Security Council emergency meeting also sharply separated from the standpoint 10:06 on February 29

Given the growing concern about the full fighting between Syria's Assad administration and its neighbor Turkey, the UN Security Council agreed to hold an urgent meeting to seek a ceasefire, but the parties said. The gap between positions has become clearer and future developments cannot be foreseen.

In Syria, in the northwestern province of Idlib, the Assad administration bombed Turkish troops in support of the rebels and killed 33 soldiers, which led to Turkish troops launching a retaliation and a full-fledged force between regular troops. Concerns about a serious battle are growing.

In response, the UN Security Council held an emergency meeting on Tuesday, stating that Secretary-General Guterres expressed a strong sense of crisis over the full-fledged fighting, stating that "the confrontational structure is changing." Many nations have been calling for an immediate ceasefire in order not to increase the casualties of citizens.

At the meeting, the Syrian side claimed the bombing was "Turkish troops had been away from the monitoring posts and supporting rebels," while the Turkish side said "Assad's attack on civilians in Idlib Province. We have deployed a unit to prevent this. "

Also, while the U.S. side supporting Turkey has expressed sentiment that `` more is enough '' and accused the Assad administration and Russia of the backing, the Russian side has traditionally claimed that `` this is a fight against terrorists ''. I repeated.

At this meeting, the need to seek a ceasefire was agreed, but the gap between the parties became clearer and the future development cannot be foreseen.