
February 29, 2020: tragic death for three boys who attended a birthday party in Moscow. The three, about 30 years old, just out of the sauna, threw themselves into the pool with others to complain immediately after the water was too hot.

At that point, according to the rebuilding of the BBC online, blocks of dry ice were thrown into the water which provoked a chemical reaction. The guests of the party, organized to celebrate 29 years of the well-known Instagram influencer, Ekaterina Didenko, immediately started to cough and many lost consciousness. Three of them died suffocated: among them also the husband of the birthday girl. Preliminary analyzes revealed that the three young men died of suffocation.

Dry ice is a solid form of carbon dioxide and if released in an area without adequate ventilation, it can cause inhalation of a dangerous amount of gas. Didenko is known for posting tips on how to save money on pharmaceutical products on the Instagram page. He has a million followers.

Three die in dry-ice incident at Moscow pool party

- BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) February 29, 2020