Dubai Knowledge and Development Authority denied what some have reported through social media, about disrupting the study starting today.

In her reply to "Emirates Today", she stressed that she was directed to suspend activities, events and school trips only, both internal and external, in order to reduce the possibility of transmission of the "corona" infection.

The authority called on the students ’families to verify the information first by visiting its official accounts on social media channels, and not to get dragged into the rumors.

She explained in a circular, and distributed it to schools, finally, that “in the context of the precautionary and preventive measures taken to reduce the possibility of transmission of the new Corona virus infection, the authority calls upon all private education institutions in the Emirate of Dubai from early education centers, schools and universities to fully comply from today until further notice of stopping All activities, which include all internal and external trips, festivals, competitions and activities within educational institutions, especially those that require the gathering of students, events and activities with educational institutions or other parties and teacher activities ».

It stated that all previously planned trips and activities for which approval by the authority was issued are considered invalid.

All pre-planned trips and activities are void.