Since the outbreak, "hand washing frequently" has become one of the most effective anti-infection methods. Many citizens carefully wash their hands many times a day in accordance with the seven-step hand washing method, only to find that many small red rashes have gradually appeared on the back of their hands. It was slightly painful, and then itchy, as if scratched, but the palms of the fingers were fine. Some citizens also said that there was a problem with peeling of the belly of the fingers, but the situation is getting more serious now, and even the pain in the cracks can be obviously felt.

Why does this happen after washing my hands frequently? Yuan Shan, director of the dermatology department of Beijing United Family Hospital, said that when this happens, most of them are chronic irritating dermatitis caused by the sebum membrane destruction caused by frequent hand washing, and there are also very few people who are allergic to allergic contact with a hand sanitizer dermatitis.

Yuan Shan said that because of possible exposure to microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria, which may increase the risk of infection by himself or others, in order to prevent infectious diseases, hand hygiene and environmental disinfection were repeatedly emphasized during the epidemic. Hand hygiene requirements, after going home or working with others, before and after going to the toilet, before eating, before touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, and special types of work, etc., it is strongly recommended to wash your hands carefully according to the seven-step method of hand washing.

However, when washing your hands frequently, the skin's protective barrier will be damaged to a certain extent due to the stimulation of the detergent, which will damage the skin and produce irritating dermatitis. Some people's skin is directly in contact with disinfectants such as strong alkalis and strong acids, which can easily stimulate the skin to produce a dermatitis reaction.

Yuan Shan said that the severity of skin damage is directly proportional to the concentration and time of exposure to irritants. Generally speaking, skin irritation is mainly divided into two types: chronic irritation and acute irritation. Chronic irritants include soap, soap, hand sanitizer, hot water, friction, and even frequent hand washing with tap water, all of which may cause skin irritation. Acute irritants include disinfectants such as strong acids and bases.

Irritant dermatitis manifests as dry skin, redness, tingling or burning, itching, cracks, desquamation, and even edema or exudation. If citizens are allergic, fragile skin will be more likely to develop dermatitis after various irritation. If it lasts for a long time, it will also cause skin hypertrophy.

So, how to ensure that the skin damage is reduced when the hands are washed frequently? Yuan Shan emphasized that to "coexist hand sanitizer and hand cream", the emollient steps after washing hands are very important. After washing hands, apply hand cream in time to repair sebum film and reduce skin damage. Especially before going to bed, do a good job of moisturizing, so that the skin can be moisturized overnight. So how do I choose a hand cream? Yuan Shan said that the hand cream brand is not limited, as long as it does not induce allergic discomfort after application, you can always use the brand. Painted. "

When doing housework or disinfection, you can also wear gloves (inner cotton and outer rubber) to reduce various injuries to the skin of irritants.

If severe dermatitis occurs on the skin, citizens can apply hormonal creams such as dinaide, hydrocortisone butyrate, or mometasone furoate on the basis of frequent emollients, which can be effective twice daily Helps control dermatitis. If the situation still does not improve, it is recommended to seek medical treatment in time.