
by Marzio Quaglino February 28, 2020 Still a morning of sales on the European lists, after yesterday's sharp drop in Wall Street and Asian stock markets this morning. Milan lost 2.48% and managed to do little better than London (-2.91%), Paris (-3.31%) and Frankfurt (-3.29%). Over the week, the Ftse Mib index is leaving more than 10 percentage points on the ground. On the list of Piazza Affari, the worst is Atlantia (-5.33%), while Juventus goes against the trend (+ 2.11%).

On the government securities side, the spread widened beyond 180 basis points, to then drop to 171, with the yield of the 10-year BTP at 1.12%.

The race to the bottom of the oil price continues. Fears of a drop in demand push the North Sea Brent to $ 50.73 a barrel, the lowest since July 2017.