Illustration firefighters intervention on a forest fire. - M.Bosredon / 20Minutes

Since Monday afternoon, the Haute-Garonne firefighters have been fighting summer fires in the Boutx sector, not far from the Mourtis ski resort, but also in Jurvielle, not far from Peyragudes.

Since the start of the Boutx fire, the origin of which remains undetermined, more than 400 hectares have gone up in smoke, according to the departmental operational center for fire and rescue. Essentially brush fires. Nearly 70 firefighters were hired and it was almost extinct this Wednesday morning, the arrival of rain and snow at a certain altitude having facilitated the work of the men of the fire.

Are these poorly extinguished cigarettes or poorly controlled blisters? According to France 3 Occitanie, in both cases, the Haute-Garonne gendarmerie opened an investigation to determine the origin of the fires.


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  • Gendarmerie
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  • Firefighters