
February 26, 2020 If the coronavirus turns into a pandemic a "global recession" is "likely". Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's Analytics, writes in a comment on the impact and scenarios of the coronavirus. The virus, the economist points out, was a major blow to the Chinese economy and is now putting the global economy at risk. "A global recession is likely if Covid-19 becomes a pandemic, and the odds of this are unpleasantly high and increasing as contagions increase in Italy and Korea," said Moody's Analytics. The American economy is more isolated from the impact of the virus, but it is not immune, and in this scenario it would likely suffer a recession.

Cut by 0.4% of global GDP 2020
"The global economy will undergo" by Coronavirus "an impact on GDP of almost one percentage point (annualized) in the first quarter, and will slow by 0.4 percentage points to 2.4% in 2020. For the context, potential growth global is estimated at 2.8%, writes Moody's in a report.

While "The US economy will experience growth of only 1.3% in the first quarter (annualized), down 0.6% due to the virus. Growth in 2020 should now be 1.7%, down 0.2%. The potential growth of the US economy is estimated at around 2% ".