Enora The Pope symbolically inscribed the cat Rec in 60th position on his list. - J. Gicquel / 20 Minutes

His name is Rec, two years old, and is in 60th position on the Rennes En Commun list led by Enora Le Pape. To highlight the theme of animal condition during the campaign, rebellious France invited a cat on its list to the municipal authorities.

The operation is intended to be symbolic since an animal cannot be a candidate in an election. It is therefore a human being who lent his name to the cat on the list filed this Tuesday morning in the prefecture. The Rennes En Commun teams however plan to make the Rec chat visible during the campaign, in particular by displaying their face on the profession of faith and the candidate's posters.

Insoumis propose the closure of the Thabor aviary

If she takes this coup de com, Enora Le Pape assures that there are behind "real proposals to defend the animal cause". The rebellious candidate thus proposes the creation of a delegation dedicated to the protection of animals if she is elected, or even the ban on awarding animals as prizes such as goldfish at fairs.

On the issue of animals in the city, "a real political question", according to Jean-Paul Tual, number two on the list, rebellious France also wishes to conduct a policy of sterilization of stray cats and "install nests for swifts, tits and hedgehogs ". The list led by Enora Le Pape finally plans to close the famous aviary in the Thabor park, which is "overcrowded", and to replace it "with an educational refuge".


“Gassed” pigeons and crustaceans… We attended a meeting of the Animalist Party (which takes out its claws)


RN dredges animal friends for municipal

  • Rennes
  • Candidate
  • Animal protection
  • municipal
  • Animals
  • Elections
  • Cat