China, February 25. According to the American Chinese website, Thomas, a suspect suspected of shooting two Chinese men in the Chinatown of Chicago at 2.13am on February 9th, appeared again on February 24th local time. The entire trial was very brief, only about a minute.

In his second appearance, Thomas was wearing the uniform of the Illinois Detention Center and had a brief hello to the judge.

At this hearing, Thomas, a man and a woman, and two lawyers appeared in court. After a brief exchange between the two prosecutors, the judge stated that the next hearing is March 6.

In the early morning of February 9, local time, Thomas robbed two men and one woman in Chinatown in Chicago. The woman surrendered her belongings, but the two men disobeyed and resisted. Thomas fired several shots at the two men and caused them to head. He was killed on the spot.

Terry Wilson, a former friend of the two deceased, said after the hearing that he hoped that the killer could obtain consecutive life sentences instead of concurrently executing multiple sentences. The judge has given him a chance, and this time there is no reason to give him another chance, he should pay the price for each life.

The families of the victims expressed hope that the tragedy would not happen to other families.

During the hearing that day, many Chinese appeared in court, "We will persist until the end until we see justice, and we strongly demand justice because it is wrong," Wilson said. (Qiu Honghui)