▲ Ahn Cheol-soo introduces the National Assembly's mobile platform

The National Assembly, led by former Ahn Cheol-soo, officially launched today.

The National Assembly (tentative name) Changdang Preparatory Committee held the Central Party Changdang Conference at the Art Hall of the Seoul National University of Arts and Sciences (SAC) in Gangnam-gu, Seoul this afternoon, enacted the Party Constitution and the Code, and recruited the lawmakers as party representatives.

More than 200 people attended the Changdang Congress, including five members including Ahn Cheol-soo, Kwon Eun-hee, Kim Sam-hwa, Kim Soo-min, Shin Yong-hyun, Lee Tae-gyu, and major members of the party.

They wore 'orange' shawls, which symbolize the People's Party.

He was wearing a mask throughout the event as if he was conscious of the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

Ahn, who is wearing an orange knit suit, said in his speech, "I have no choice but to tell you to go along a difficult thorn road," he said. "Maybe this may be a fate for me."

He said, "Let's make an orange revolution together with our determined determination to change politics and change the Republic of Korea." Let's go along the path of reform and record our footsteps clearly in history. "

Ahn also proposed 'Relay Forum on National Reform Tasks and Future Visions' between Democrats and Lee Hyo-chan and Representative Hwang Gyo-an.

Regarding the spread of Corona19, he said, "The president should speak frankly about the lack of initial response, judgment on current situation, prevention measures, and public welfare measures through special talks."

Meanwhile, 'The Era of Ages', which promotes the political power of the 20s and 40s, also held the Central Party Changdang Contest in the Community House 'Masil' in Jung-gu, Seoul.

The co-representative argues that the basic income of 300,000 won per person per month, and the co-representative, Jo, insists on the change of friendly policy toward North Korea.

(Photo = Yonhap News)