Sweden's largest table tennis competition Safir's international runs from Wednesday to Sunday.

- It's at least as strong a starting field as in the European Championships next week, says Per Hällström, who is a press contact for the competitions.

Each year, between 450 and 500 participants participate in the tournament, and the interest is so great that the organizer cannot take in everyone who wants to play.

From Ireland to Sweden

One who has had success in the competition is Owen Cathcart from Ireland. He won the men's junior class on Thursday.

- I had a good result yesterday. Today it is only to see what I can do and hopefully I can continue to play well, he tells SVT during Friday's competitions.

Immediately after leaving school, Owen Cathcart moved to Sweden and Halmstad to play table tennis full-time in the Super Bowl.

Competition with the Hungarian Championships

Russia stands for the biggest representation of the tournament and the youngest player is just ten from Germany. This year, no participants will be coming from China because of the current state of the corona virus.

A total of six youth classes are played. These are junior competitions for girls and boys born in 2007 or later, cadet boys and girls and mini cadet.

On Friday, the elite class played with just over 150 men and just under 100 ladies.

"Regarding the elite class, it is unfortunately competition with the Hungarian championships this weekend," says Per Hällström.