WHO Secretary General February 19 5:19


"While the trend is encouraging, but reassured, No, "he emphasized the need for the international community to work together to prevent the spread of infection.

Chinese health officials have announced that the number of people newly infected with the new coronavirus was 394 people on Wednesday, a significant decrease from the previous year.

WHO Secretary-General Tedros said at a news conference at the headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, on Tuesday, "We are encouraged by the trend but must not be reassured. The situation may not last long, "he emphasized the need for the international community to work together to prevent the spread of the infection.

In addition, two passengers of the cruise ship "Diamond Princess" berthed at Yokohama Port died on the 20th, saying, "The fatality rate is about 2%, and more than 600 people are infected, But that's an imaginable event. "

A Chinese team of experts from health authorities reported that antimalarial drugs were effective in treating the disease. No effective treatment for coronavirus has been established. "