
20 February 2020 "I will make communications to Parliament, I have already given a mandate to the Minister for Relations with Parliament to announce my passage to the Presidents" to the Chambers "where I will announce the reforms to be implemented: it will be an opportunity to formalize the 2023 Agenda ". The Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, says this on his arrival in Brussels. When asked if it will be a majority check Conte replied that "it will be the result of a confrontation with the majority forces, in the institutional venues, with linearity and transparency".

"It's been a week where there are controversies, quarrels, where the majority forces would seem to be involved in a very tough confrontation, even a clash close - said Conte - but the reality has been a little different. The government, these days, he has always been industrious "and" we are very focused on what the needs of the country are. Yesterday I spoke of a national emergency: we cannot accept to continue growing with these decimals. Italy promises to be a tail light. We must to be proud, we cannot accept this prospect. That is why I call together all the healthy forces in the country, "he continued.

"We must not waste energy - added the premier - I myself, at the outcome of this comparison, will make communications to Parliament and I have already given a mandate to my minister for relations with Parliament to announce to the presidents of the chambers a passage of mine where I will announce measures we believe the country needs. It will therefore be an opportunity to formalize the 20-23 agenda in a linear and transparent way ".

"In Parliament there will be what will be the result of the revival of government action" after the "confrontation with the majority forces. I remember that all the delegates of the various parties sat at the table, worked actively with various ideas and various contributions to develop the measures that the country needs. There are some priorities, that's what the citizens are asking us, the rest is fine for the headlines. "

Atlantia. Count: if a settlement proposal from Aspi government arrives, it will have to consider it
'If a settlement proposal from Autostrade per l'Italia should arrive' as part of the procedure for the possible revocation of the concessions, 'the Government, I say this publicly, will have the duty to evaluate it'. So the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, answering the questions of the reporters before entering the seat of the EU Council. 'Because - he argued - if it were a proposal that, taking into account all the interests at stake, offers the possibility of protecting the public interest even more effectively than the revocation itself, we have a duty to consider it. But - said the head of the government - only in that case. Do not say that the government wants to settle or is making a proposal or counter-proposal. ' 'I read - had been Conte's premise - some newspapers that have set the issue in improper terms: as you will remember, there is a revocation procedure that has been underway for some time and is coming to an end. I read in some newspapers that there would be a government settlement proposal rejected by Autostrade per l'Italia. Attention, the Government is conducting this revocation procedure and it is in the interest of the counterparty to eventually make a settlement proposal that the Government would have the duty to evaluate ',' before the final word on this procedure is put '.

'Door open in Renzi, see you next week'
The leader of Italy Viva Matteo Renzi "asked me for a meeting and obviously I already replied that I am well available: my door has always been open and will always be open. We will certainly see you next week". So the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.