• Coronavirus. All Italians on the ship tested negative: they return tomorrow. New toll: 2,130 dead
  • The 56 Italians in quarantine at Cecchignola, Rome: "Tonight we celebrate the return with a pizza"
  • Coronavirus, the 8 Italians from Wuhan in Rome. I'm in quarantine at Celio


February 20, 2020All at home. The quarantine in the military city of Cecchignola, on the outskirts of Rome, is over for the 55 compatriots returned from China and hospitalized as a precaution against the spread of the coronavirus. After a meeting with the ministers of Health, Hope, and Defense, Guerini, they left the military installation in dribs and drabs where they spent 18 days in isolation, each one in his own room, always under observation between gloves and masks.

Young people and families went out with smiling faces, some moved, carrying backpacks and trolleys with them. The ministers of Defense and Health, Guerini and Speranza - visiting the military center - warmly embraced them. And after a sort of souvenir photo, a liberating applause was triggered for everyone.

Then the departures with the army shuttles to Termini station or with the cars of family members who came to pick them up. Some covered their faces with a hood, away from the cameras, others lent themselves to the spotlights and microphones. "We finally saw each other without the masks, now that we know each other in full face", jokes the 22 year old Lorenzo with his companions shortly before the exit of the structure. "We are very happy, we have been treated very well", others say when leaving Cecchignola behind.

The only one to definitively leave the quarantine in the military city before time was the young 29-year-old researcher from Emilia, tested positive for Coronavirus tests after the swab and admitted to Spallanzani hospital since 6 February. Since then, Cecchignola's roommates have supported him on the phone and followed with apprehension the medical bulletins that talked about his condition. The last one, released in these hours, says that "he is much better".

The 30 landed by the Diamond Princess are expected
Over thirty Italians who were aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship could arrive in the military structure in the next few hours. The Air Force's Boeing is already in Japan waiting to embark its compatriots who will become the new tenants of the Olympic military center in Rome.

Hope: after quarantine issued certificate
"Certificates will be issued that demonstrate conclusively that these people are not affected by Cornavirus. Our presence and the embrace of two ministers here demonstrates this, it is a very positive sign." This was said by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, who today met the 55 Italians leaving the quarantine at Cecchignola.

"Right choice quarantine"
"We wanted to be here to embrace them on behalf of the government and the Italians. The state did its part to the end. We made the right choice of quarantine," added the Minister of Health. "From now on they can archive a very meaningful and touching experience for them. We have protected the right to health of our fellow citizens."

Guerini: smiles and gratitude from Cecchignola guests
"They lived with great dignity and interaction with the military. I want to witness the smiles of the people we met and the gratitude for the commitment of the institutions and the staff with whom they have been in strong contact in these days of quarantine. These were days marked by complicated experiences but also from beautiful and positive experiences ". Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini said that, with Roberto Speranza today he met the 55 Italians leaving the quarantine.