An Australian mother revealed her son suffering from bullying.

On Monday, foreign media including the Daily Mail in the UK introduced the story of the nine-year-old Qwaden, who lives in Queensland, Australia.

On Wednesday, Kwaden's mother witnessed a shock while waiting for her son to leave school. My son was being bullied by his children on the playground.

The sister of Qwaden, who was there at the time, also watched this picture. Kwaden finds his mother and brother waiting for him and starts crying sadly.

Kwaden in his mother's car poured out painful words, "I'd rather die." My mother, who was heartbroken, pulled out her cell phone and captured her son's cry on camera.

While filming the crying child, my mother said, "I just witnessed my son being bullied."

"School teachers, abused students, and their parents, see how the bullied student is suffering," he said.

"I always say 'Ignore' whenever Qaden suffers, but from now on, everybody will reveal his son's pain as a video." . Indeed, Qwaden's mother made a big response by posting the video on her Facebook. The netizens responded by saying, "I'm so heartbroken," "I applaud the courage of my son and mother for their wounds."

Celebrities who watched the video also supported. Australian rugby player Ratrell Mitchell invited Qaden to the stadium, and comedian Brad Williams raised money for Qaden through the Internet fundraising site Gofundme.

The current donation amounted to about A $ 172,000 and about 140 million Korean Won was raised. The money will be used to cover the travels to Quadren's family to Disneyland, and the rest will be donated to anti-bullying groups.
'News Pick'.

(Photo: 'Yarraka Bayles' Facebook, Gofundme homepage capture)