In Malaysia, trials following AI's punishment recommendations are eye-catching.

Foreign officials, including the Malaysian News and Times Times, reported on Tuesday that their first trial with AI was in court in Sabah.

On Wednesday, a court trial in Sabah State Court held a sentence of 26-year-old Christopher and 43-year-old Dennis, alleged to have drugs.

The judge listened to the prosecution and attorneys' details and entered details about the defendant's age and occupation, the weight of the drug in his possession, and the criminal history.

The judge then pressed the Sentence Analysis button, and AI advised Christopher to sentence him to nine months in jail and 10 months to Dennis.

The judge used this information to sentence Christopher to 9 months in prison and Dennis to 12 months in prison plus two months.

Chief judges who watched the trial said at a press conference that AI analysis would save the judge's time and help the defendant decide whether to appeal.

"AI will be used first in drug cases and rape cases, and in civil lawsuits for traffic accidents within six months." I added.

'News Pick'.

(Photo = Capture NST Homepage)