Psychology has been developing for forty years, especially clinical psychology. At that time, most classes were full of women, with the majority being between 60-70%, compared to male students who ranged between 30-40%.

The writer Marcelo Thebrio - in a report published in the Spanish magazine "La Mente Maraviosa" - stated that nursing, teaching and culinary studies were monopolized by females, while engineering and auto mechanics were purely male occupations. And later occupations fit both sexes, such as medicine and architecture.

Over the years, the world has seen women excel in many areas, and classrooms in psychology colleges are teeming with females. The profession of psychiatrist appears to be a feminist specialization. The percentage of females attending lessons, conferences and seminars in Latin America, Europe and the United States is 90% and more. Why do women accept psychology?

12 reasons why females study psychology
The Neuroscience and Social Sciences research team of the regular Argentine school investigated the issue, and in the first stage, they asked psychologists about the main conditions for practicing effective exercises in psychotherapy.

A series of conclusions based on Neuroscience and Social Neuroscience with regard to the findings of the male and female brain were developed, which described hormones, neurotransmitters and regions of the brain to explain why women tend to study psychology.

The female brain contains a higher percentage of neurons in the center devoted to language pronouncement in the brain (Getty Images)

1. The ability to relate facts and emotion
The female brain contains a greater amount of fibers in the corpus callosum, which creates contact between the two hemispheres of the brain, (the corpus callosum is a path that connects the two hemispheres of the brain, the creative emotional right, and the rational left and binary left), and this produces greater understanding and the ability to interfere with emotional force, which is very important In the therapeutic relationship with the patient.

2. Accuracy and ability to translate what you think into words
The female brain contains a higher percentage of neurons in the center devoted to language pronouncement in the brain, and that is why women early develop better management of linguistic wealth, unlike men, who have a flow of testosterone in their teens.

It is estimated that women speak about eight thousand words a day compared to five thousand for males, and therefore the use of the word in therapy sessions is necessary, as it is a means of communicating information.

3. The capacity associated with memories and memory
The hippocampus is in the human brain (the center of learning and memory), and for the female brain this region has many dimensions. It is noteworthy that among the multiple capabilities of a clinical psychologist, memory and a comprehensive record of details.

4. Note details and non-verbal communication
Women have a greater peripheral vision that allows them to monitor details such as gestures and body movement, along with the memorial record, and this is a powerful tool for therapeutic intervention.

5. Empathy and the ability to place itself in the other's place
Although mirror neurons are not exclusive to females, they are one of the reasons why there are more women studying psychology, because these neurons are supported by the ability to observe in women and the memory record.

In addition to the ability to record details of situations, gestures, speech and elements that serve the process when it comes to empathy, which makes treatment more successful.

Women have the ability to record position details, gestures and speech, which makes treatment more successful (Getty Images)

6. The ability to perform many actions at the same time
Because there is more contact between the parts of the brain through the fibers that circulate in the corpus callosum, this allows to perform various tasks in therapeutic sessions, such as thinking, remembering, analyzing the sessions, looking at situations, and listening to the story simultaneously.

7. Emotional protection and care
The hormone oxytocin secreted by the posterior pituitary gland, which is active in parenting cases, makes the professional more caring and containment, as the patient comes to treatment while he is anxious, not only the problem is solved, but the creation of an environment that feels protected and listening.

8. Hysterics
While testosterone makes men more rough, women have a higher level of aesthetics and care not only for their bodies, but also for monitoring the other's body in the treatment space, which causes it to cross more. Besides acute observation, speaking the patient's language is a technique that enhances the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions.

9. Intimate space therapy
The mixture of oxytocin and dopamine (the neurotransmitter that boosts motivation and is stimulated in challenging situations) is fun in the relationship, especially when the estrogen is high. Treatment is a large area of ​​intimacy, as patients prepare to express their personal world. This openness depends on how that space is built to achieve greater confidence.

Women are more curious than men and this makes them more interested in providing opinions and clarifying hypotheses about what is happening to the patient (Getty Images)

10. Curious attitude
Women are more curious than men and more critical because they have a mind that notes more details, which include verbal and non-verbal elements. And with rhetoric and rhetoric, this makes the psychologist more interested in providing opinions and clarifying hypotheses about what is happening to the patient. Thus the interest shown is an invitation to the patient to speak and delve deeper into his problem.

11. Building hypotheses
For all the reasons mentioned above, women can make more sophisticated hypotheses about what happens to the patient, when thinking about the details, gestures and words that have developed specifically for that, as well as when the past positions in the patient's history overlap thanks to his memory and synchronization that allows these actions to be carried out at the same time.

12. Trust
Confidence is the latest reason explaining the fact that there are more women studying psychology linked to oxytocin and serotonin, because they make the professional personality reliable.

If we extend this analysis to include emotional, cognitive and social variables, we will notice other characteristics that reinforce the above, and it is important to clarify that these descriptions are general and relative, but they are evidence that explains women's experience in psychotherapy.