The number of people involved does not want to state Region Östergötland.

- It feels great! Everything has gone according to plan. We have had contact with the people daily and 14 days have passed without anyone showing any signs of illness, says Britt Åkerlind, Head of Operations for Region Östergötland Infectious Disease.

respiratory infection

She believes that people are constantly returning to Sweden from Asia travel, but that does not mean that all of them are at risk of being infected.

- If you have traveled home from China and have signs of a deeper airway infection, or know that you have been to places where there are infected - then you are at risk.

Community Contacts

Britt Åkerlind tells SVT News East that the region is constantly following the development of the coronavis rust and its spread. In addition, they have constant contacts with the Public Health Authority, which in turn has contact with the corresponding European organization, and in turn they have contact with WHO, the World Health Organization - the World Health Organization.