Last year, claims reports increased by 60 in Region Östergötland. In total, the County Council's mutual insurance company, Löf, received 894 claims reports concerning Region Östergötland. In total, this is an increase of 5.5 percent compared to 2018.

- We see the same trend when it comes to notifications to the patient board. We also see a slight increase in awareness that one can have their case tried. It is good that injuries in healthcare are reported so that there can be an improvement and patient safety increase, says Mona Ahlberg, operations manager for the Patient Board in the Östergötland Region in a press release.

74 per cent of claims in Region Östergötland were about hospital care, 12 per cent about primary care, 10 per cent about dental care and 4 per cent other issues. The most common are injuries in connection with surgery.