The trial had already received a great deal of attention since the defendants are grossly criminal persons belonging to the criminal network Death Patrol. When the threats are pronounced, the district court does not record the sound. But the radio program In the Name of the Law was there and did the audio recording and has now published a pod where they can tell you what is actually said in the courtroom.

- This will now be handled as a separate case. There may be illegal threats, but it is up to the police now to investigate, says Anna Arnell, who was a prosecutor in the trial.

"Never been to something like this"

SVT's criminal reporter Andreas Björklund was also present to monitor the trial.

- It was extremely messy before the trial because of technical problems. A defendant and the plaintiff were on a link and could then mock each other openly in the courtroom. "You are innocent" was, among other things, something they said to each other.

- I've never been in anything like this in my entire professional life. I can't understand why they don't mute the sound when criminals mock and threaten each other.