Disembark from cruise ship Accommodation is provided for those who are difficult to return home Local Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare February 20 18:50

Regarding the response to those who have been disembarked from cruise ships that have been confirmed to be outbreaks, Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Kato has prepared a certain number of accommodation facilities for those who are difficult to return to the hometown by the House of Representatives Budget Committee. Revealed.

Among them, Mr. Mitsuoka Okamoto of the National Democratic Party said that passengers who got off the cruise ship were asked, "Would you like to keep somewhere isolated from now?" Someone seems to be doing it. "

In response, Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Kato said, "There are various debates about this coming out. Some people recognize that it is difficult for them to return to their hometowns. I can do that. "

In addition, at a residents' briefing held in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture to accept passengers who were confirmed infected on a cruise ship, executives of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare said, `` Unless they are Godzilla, it is impossible for a sneeze to reach the school over the road '' Minister Kato said, "It was a totally disagreeable statement. I would like to reflect on it and work hard to gain an understanding while fully understanding that there are various concerns around me." Was.

In addition, the Chinese health authorities pointed out that infection could occur if exposed to very small particles, `` aerosol '', Takashi Wakita, director of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases said, `` While it was pointed out It is not yet clear whether such an environment is likely to occur. I would like to share information with the Chinese side in the future and study whether there is a possibility of aerosol infection. "