Ritsumin protests against “Don't use hotel anymore” in LDP, February 19 at 15:06

According to the Democratic Party of Japan, a report from the LDP regarding the fact that a voice from the Liberal Democratic Party has been announced that the hotel that will be used as the venue will no longer be used over a social gathering held the night before the "Sakura Viewing Party". You should be discouraged. "

Opposition parties have sought to find that there is a discrepancy between Prime Minister Abe's response and the hotel's explanation of the venue, over a social gathering held the night before the "Cherry Blossom Viewing Party".

The Constitutional Democratic Party's Chairman of the Alumni Diet said to the Liberal Democratic Party's Chairman of the Moriyama Diet, "It has been reported that the LDP has said that this hotel will not be used anymore, but it is hard to overlook. It should be. "

He also said on Tuesday that Mr. Moriyama explained that a person related to the hotel had visited the LDP headquarters, saying, `` It seems to be a crackdown to say that the hotel people who apologized for their intentions apologized. It ’s not wrong. ”

Mr. Moriyama said, "I would like to avoid radical statements and humble protests."