These are about 200 items that the police have seized. A woman is currently being arrested on suspicion of the crime and now the police choose to go out with the engraving on several of the stolen jewelry.

- We need help finding more owners for these jewelery, says Jonas Eronen, the police spokesperson.

Stockholm is also interesting

In the past, the police have directed the attention of elderly people living in Knivsta municipality - to find the jewelry owners. Now the police also assume that the Stockholm area can be interesting.

- If it is jewelry that you recognize, you will be happy to hear from us. You must also be able to prove that you are the right owner, ”says Jonas Eronen.

Received several notifications

It started with the police receiving several reports that elderly people in Knivsta municipality had been stolen on valuables. A house search was conducted at the home of the suspected woman and hundreds of jewelry were found. All known victims are over 90 years old.

The police now want elderly people, who believe they have been stolen, to contact number 114 14.

See more in the video above.