• Milleproroghe: the government puts trust in the House. The vote tomorrow morning
  • Renzi: "No in elections. If Conte Bis falls a new government". "With Conte Ter we in opposition"
  • Government, Count: we are not looking for new majorities
  • Government, Count: "Stop referrals and quarrels, it's time for decisions"


February 18, 2020In the Senate courtroom the wiretapping decree for the general discussion.

On the measure, explain sources Iv, Matteo Renzi's party will loyally vote on the trust in the text proposed by Bonafede and approved by the CDM. "Any other changes will only go through amendments shared by all majority forces. Anyone who votes amendments that are not shared with the rest of the coalition would be responsible for breaking the majority. We hope that wisdom and unity will prevail," add the same sources.

The Interceptions decree, currently being examined by the Senate Justice Committee, causes the allies to discuss amendment 2.86 presented by the senator of Leu Pietro Grasso which provides for the possibility of using interceptions also for the crimes for which no one is investigating, provided that are crimes for which the use of plays is envisaged. The text, which sees the opposition of Italy alive, is already a reformulation, which arrived - it is explained by majority sources - after a summit in via Arenula last week, at which the Renzians were also present. On the proposed modification, however, the split remains.

In a group leaders meeting with Minister Bonafede he tried to unravel the skein. Iv reiterated that she was ready to vote on the trust in the decree, but in the version approved by the Council of Ministers. Without changes. New convocation of the Senate Justice Commission.