
17 February 2020A hypogean environment with a tuff sarcophagus associated with what appears to have been an altar. It is the new extraordinary discovery made in Rome, inside the Roman Forum, next to the Curia-Comizio complex. This was announced by the director of the park, Alfonsina Russo, who will present the discovery to the press on Friday 21 February.

The finding, anticipated by the Archaeological Park of the Colosseum, took place in the context of the planned archaeological investigations and about a year after the start of the studies on the documentation produced by Giacomo Boni at the beginning of the 1900s, which had allowed to hypothesize the presence in the Roman Forum, a few meters from the Lapis Niger and the Comitium, of a Heroon (monument to the hero) dedicated to the founder of the city of Rome.

The sarcophagus, made with the tuff of the Capitol, measures approximately 1.40 m in length and should date back to the 6th century. B.C