A demonstration against the pension reform, in Toulouse on February 6, 2020. - FRED SCHEIBER / SIPA

As the pension reform arrives at the National Assembly on Monday, several hundred people marched through the streets of Paris, at the call of a coordination made up of strikers and activists CGT and SUD, against the bill .

The demonstrators, who rushed from the Place de l'Opera towards the Palais Bourbon, responded to the call launched by the Social Front, a coordination created after the mobilization against the Labor Law at the end of the previous five-year period

No inter-union call

"It's about the symbol. It is obvious to demonstrate the day when this law, which has launched the longest strike in our history and is rejected by the population, is examined in the Assembly ", explained Gaël Quirante, departmental secretary SUD Post 92 and l 'one of the organizers of "national coordination". "We are very surprised that the intersyndicale does not call to demonstrate on Monday," he added.

The activist refers to the CGT, Force Ouvrière, CFE-CGC, Solidaires and FSU confederations, which have been leading the sling against pension reform since December 5 and are calling for a new inter-professional day on Thursday. In the procession, activists CGT, Solidaires, anarchists, non-unionized, "yellow vests", from several cities in France (Toulon, Reims, Rouen ...). Like Cédric, IT manager in the private sector in Nancy, non-unionized, who came expressly to "request the withdrawal".

"The movement is not dead"

"I was born before 1975 and one would have thought that I am one of the profiles not affected by the reform, according to Macron's propaganda, but I looked into the text: everyone is a loser, from next year" , he explained. “Retirement is the last social bastion to save. There is no denying that the government has the hand today but we will go to the end, the movement is not dead, "he assured.

For Denis, Cheminot CGT of Lyon but also "yellow vest", "the government is deadlocked and increasingly isolated. A majority of French people continue to reject this reform. The fire is not extinguished and continues to smolder ”. Four RATP unions, including Unsa, the company's first organization, called for a "dead day" on February 17 on all the networks of the management to obtain "the withdrawal" of the reform but the movement was little followed on Monday.


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  • Demonstration
  • National Assembly
  • Video
  • Pension reform
  • Law Project