Paris (AFP)

Paris SG lost Sunday in Hungary, on the field of Szeged in the Champions League (32-29) and let slip 2nd place in Group A to their opponent of the day.

Winners in the first leg (30-25), the Parisians logically switched to the lead at halftime (18-15) against the eye-catching Hungarians, after a start to the match where the goalkeepers shone (2-2, 10th) .

The start of the second period was largely favorable to Paris SG, especially with the exclusion of the Serbian winger Bogdan Radivojevic (35th), guilty of having sent a 7-meter jet in the face of the three-color international porter Vincent Gérard.

PSG then has up to 6 goals in advance (22-16, 37th) but a foul by Nikola Karabatic sends him two minutes on the bench. Hungarian enthusiasm then stifles visitors (23-23, 43rd).

In a boiling room, the end of the match is suffocating and the Parisians have more and more trouble finding the fault. The Spanish internationals Jorge Maqueda and especially Joan Cañellas Reixach, author of 10 goals on 12 attempts, ended up sealing the victory for Szeged.

It was the third defeat for Paris SG in the Champions League this season, in a room where Barcelona had suffered its only setback of the year in competition on the first day.

The gain of the 2nd group place, which offers the possibility of receiving in the quarter-finals after the playoffs, could therefore go to the Hungarian team. Her calendar is busy, however, since she will travel to the 5th (Flensburg-Handewitt) and to the Barcelona leader for the last day. For Paris, the last two games seem affordable since the club of the capital will receive the last two of this group A before the play-offs, the Norwegian Elverum and RK Zagreb.

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