Attempt to summarize consultation criteria at the new virus today meeting Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare February 16 at 6:19

Following the successive infections of the new coronavirus in various parts of the country, Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Kato compiled a standard at the government expert meeting on 16th that sets the standard for the general public to consult a medical institution. I showed you the idea to get it.

Following the death of an infected person for the first time in Japan over the new coronavirus on the 13th, new infections were confirmed in Tokyo and Wakayama on the 15th, and cases of transmission have not been identified one after another.

The government will hold a meeting with experts on infectious diseases at the Prime Minister's Office on the evening of the 16th to discuss measures to prevent the spread of infection in the future.

In response, Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Kato told reporters in Tokyo on Wednesday night, `` If you think that you may have been infected with the new coronavirus, do not be as serious as to when you should see a medical institution. We would like to provide a guide that we can understand. ”At the meeting on the 16th, he suggested that the general public set a standard for setting a standard for consulting a medical institution.

He added, "It is necessary to detect the infected person as soon as possible and to take a system that will not lead to severe cases."