Malmö is one of the 32 municipalities that are allowed to make exemptions from ebo, because the city has particularly vulnerable areas.

SVT has mapped Sweden's municipalities by level of education, turnout and employment. The comparison shows that, as far as the entire municipality is concerned, Burlöv is worse off than Malmö.

Burlöv certainly has higher employment than Malmö, but more low-skilled and lower turnout. In summary, it gives Burlöv a worse position on the list than Malmö.

Still, Burlöv is not one of the 32 municipalities allowed to make exceptions to the e-companies.

The government did not listen

- I think it's bad because Burlöv borders Malmö, they get exceptions I think we should also get it. I wrote a letter to the government in December but they have not listened to it, says Lars Johnson (M), chairman of the municipal council.

Lars Johnson sees several things he would like to improve.

- We need to do something about the housing situation, there are too many living in the same apartments. We also need to get better at school, but then it requires that you can handle the problems and then it can not only be replenished, says Lars Johnson (M).