The Canaries, illustration - Martin Moxter / SIPA

A baby born during the crossing to the Spanish Canary archipelago was rescued with 86 other migrants, we learned this Friday from Spanish rescuers. These 87 migrants from sub-Saharan Africa were sailing on three makeshift boats spotted south of the island of Gran Canaria during the night of Thursday to Friday.

“A newborn baby was rescued. The mother had given birth in the boat just before being rescued, "said a spokeswoman for the Spanish sea rescue service, adding that the mother and baby were" well ".

708 migrant arrivals in January

Last month, the baby of an African migrant was already born during the crossing to the Canaries but had not survived. According to the spokesperson for the rescuers, 30 women, 6 babies and 4 children were among the 87 migrants.

The Canary Islands off the Moroccan coast recorded 708 migrant arrivals in January against 40 in January 2019, according to the Spanish Ministry of the Interior, an increase by 18.

This leap raised fears in Spain about the reopening of the “Canary Islands route” which bypasses Morocco: a route which was taken by tens of thousands of migrants who left Mauritania at the end of the 2000s. This upsurge coincides with Morocco's efforts to discourage migrants from using its territory to reach Europe.


The newborn of a migrant woman dies during the crossing to the Canaries


"The Whistlers": In the Canaries, thugs confuse the tracks in the language of birds

  • World
  • Spain
  • migrants
  • help