Venezuela: Juan Guaido's restless return to Caracas

Juan Guaido returned to Venezuela on Tuesday February 11 after a tour that took him to Europe and the United States. REUTERS / Manaure Quintero

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In Venezuela, the opponent Juan Guaido is back after an international tour that lasted more than three weeks. He managed to enter Venezuelan territory despite his ban on leaving the country, but it was a rowdy return. He was greeted at Caracas airport by members of his majority and some supporters, but above all by dozens of Chavista activists who insulted him and tried to attack him.


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It was with a mixture of applause and hoots that Juan Guaidó was greeted in the airport hall, reports our correspondent in Caracas, Benjamin Delille.

No sooner had he left the security zone than a huge stampede began. On videos posted on social networks, we see the opponent being exfiltrated while many people try to approach him, some to attack him, others to congratulate him. He finally manages to get into his escaping car despite the repeated assaults of Chavista protesters.

They ultimately attacked the journalists who covered the event. Many of them were beaten, a reporter was even bitten. Already in the afternoon, several deputies and journalists had been jostled after the arrival, by bus, of these dozen supporters of Nicolas Maduro, without the police reacting.

Juan Guaidó finally congratulated himself, several hours later, before deputies and a few dozen supporters, on the success of his tour . We return with the commitment that Venezuela will soon revive itself economically. But you have to be careful! We cannot say everything. The pressure will increase. But the announcements will come gradually because we are facing a dictatorship and it was very clear today. "

# 11Feb #TodoPorVzla

Juan Guaidó (@jguaido) February 11, 2020

Except that without any concrete announcement, neither his return nor his international tour will be enough to mobilize Venezuelans who are for the most disillusioned.

Also to listen : In Venezuela, the reign of the dollar

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  • Venezuela
  • Juan Guaido

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