The Ministry of Transport proposed to provide the traffic police with the opportunity to annul the diagnostic cards that are issued as a result of vehicle inspection. The corresponding procedure is described in the draft resolution on amendments to the inspection rules.

According to the document, the traffic police will be able to cancel the diagnostic card in those cases when the car passed inspection with a violation of the rules or did not go through this procedure before receiving the card.

In the event of cancellation of the card, the insurer is informed of this, having entered into an MTPL agreement with the motorist on the basis of this diagnostic card. The inspector also has to resolve the issue of bringing to administrative responsibility the operator who issued the card with violations. Details of the measures available to the traffic police officer are not given in the document.

  • RIA News
  • © Denis Abramov

It is expected that the document will enter into force in the summer of 2020 along with a new law on technical inspection (updated version 170-FZ).

From this date, a photo-fixation should be carried out during the inspection procedure, which is designed to exclude the fictitious passage of the procedure for issuing diagnostic cards. In addition, these documents will be executed with a digital signature and only in electronic form. Control over this was entrusted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RSA).

Commenting on the initiative on new measures in relation to diagnostic cards, the director of the National Public Center for Traffic Safety Sergei Kanaev noted that fictitious inspection is now very common.

“You have to understand that such a situation will sooner or later affect road safety. Of course, the number of accidents due to a car malfunction is disproportionately small in the general statistics. However, it is obvious that action is needed. In this case, such a decision is quite understandable, ”Kanayev suggested in an interview with RT.

However, the expert is of the opinion that at the moment the traffic police "has no way to understand how genuine the diagnostic card is." According to him, car owners are not required to carry diagnostic cards with them, "everyone gets insurance policies, and they already have nothing to do with the traffic police." In this regard, Kanaev believes that the existing practice should be reviewed.

“If we want to follow the path of monitoring the technical inspection, it would be right to revise the whole methodology. As for public and freight transport, we propose to transfer MOT to the traffic police. With personal transport, you must generally cancel the mandatory diagnostic card and enter a voluntary one with the appropriate bonus system. Purely prophylactically, this would be much more effective, ”the expert believes.

In turn, the expert of the magazine “Behind the Wheel” Mikhail Kolodochkin pointed out that it is possible to establish the status of a diagnostic card only after checking the corresponding database.

“No one should carry a printout with him, everything should be in electronic form. Moreover, the car owner should be able at any time to check and see if he is there or not. Accordingly, if everything is fixed in the database, then you can’t be afraid of checks, ”the expert said in an interview with RT.

However, he noted that attempts to evade legal norms will rightly lead to adverse consequences for motorists. “If a person wants to save money, then there is no need to be offended if they catch him,” the expert concluded.

It should be noted that a package of laws was previously signed, which strengthens the responsibility for violations in the field of inspection. For driving without a diagnostic card, a fine of 2 thousand rubles was imposed.

Large fines were introduced for issuing a fake card. The issuance of this document without the inspection procedure itself for citizens means a fine of 5-10 thousand rubles. The same violation for officials will result in a fine of 30-50 thousand rubles, and for legal entities - from 200 thousand to 300 thousand rubles.

Similar ones are provided if data on the passage of maintenance without actually carrying out the procedure were entered into a single automated information system. These changes will take effect at the beginning of August 2020.