Canteens lie about the menus offered to children, reveals a Europe 1 survey. In a school in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, parents discovered packaging of German meat in the kitchen trash cans. They decided to file a complaint against the service provider hired by the town hall.


Parents of pupils cannot be sure that what their children eat in the canteen corresponds to what is written on the menu at the entrance to schools, according to a Europe 1 survey on school canteens. In a school in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, parents went to check the contents of the kitchen bins, where children's meals are prepared. They discovered packages of German veal stir-fry there, while according to the specifications, the meat must be 100% French, red or organic label.

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"The municipality seems to fall in love, but it's been explained to them for years that this is the case"

Among these parents, Marie is indignant: "They called on a consultancy firm which was supposed to control the service provider who does only one control per month in the central kitchens. How can that be enough? proof, we do an unexpected check of the bins, and we show that there is deception. " "The municipality seems to fall from the clouds and demands accounts from its service provider. They cannot discover the problem today, it has been explained to them for years that this is the case," she explains.

The German meat was ultimately not served to the children, but the parents nevertheless decided to file a complaint for attempted deception against Sogeres, the service provider hired by the town hall of the 18th district. According to information from Europe 1, there are already twenty and more than 60 others should follow suit in the coming days.