On January 31, the county administrative board in Jämtland decided to hunt for two wolves between national highway 84 and the county border against Gävleborg. In the area, Tåssåsens Sami village has about 1000 reindeer on winter pastures. That protection hunt was appealed by the association Nordulv and now the Administrative Court stops the hunt.

One reason to stop the hunt is the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's decision from this spring that there should be a wolf dig with rejuvenations in Jämtland County. In its decision, the Administrative Court writes:

"After an initial review of the case, the administrative court considers that the decision is associated with some ambiguity, partly as regards the risk of / serious damage occurred, and as far as the decision's compatibility with favorable conservation status is based on the Krokvattnet district and in relation to my decision by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency regarding the determination of Jamtland. "

The hunt is inhibited, which means that it is stopped until the court has made a new decision.

Three wolves were already killed

So far this winter, three wolves have been killed in the area where the so-called Krokvatten reef is. Precisely that area has previously been a reserve pasture area, but in the summer of 2019, pasture agreement was concluded between landowner and the Sami village for the area.