• Prescription, Renzi: "Unconstitutional Conte award, let's not give up"
  • Prescription, Italia Viva: "Conte makes effort through mediation"
  • Prescription in 'Milleproroghe', a part of the political world arises
  • Prescription. Gratteri: "Lodo Conte bis is downward mediation"
  • Prescription, Zingaretti: "Renzi? Just the comparison, but the desire for synthesis prevails"


February 11, 2020

Clash postponed on prescription. The vote on the 'Annibali award' also slips. And, at least for the moment, the motion of no confidence at the Guardasigilli, threatened by Matteo Renzi, returns to the drawer pending the next moves.

But the tension between Renziani and the Democratic Party remains very high, with mutual accusations and vitriolic words. The hypothesis of inserting the 'Conte bis' award, the result of the agreement signed by M5s, Pd and Leu, in the Milleproroghe decree - a choice dictated by technical but, above all, political problems, to avoid leading to the extreme consequences of the fracture with the Renzians - the majority, always 'orphaned' of living Italy, are even more oriented to present an ad hoc bill that incorporates the changes to the Bonafede reform.

It is aimed at the CdM on Thursday
The measure, is the intention, should arrive on the table of the CDM in the Thursday meeting, together with the reform of the criminal trial. But the Renzians, who sing victory for having stopped the Conte bis award in the Milleproroghe ("choice of common sense", observes the ex premier), are already preparing for a new battle and sharpening their weapons: the mediation that has put agreement the other government allies is not good, they reiterate, we will never vote for it. And it is not excluded that Iv may not give the green light to the criminal trial in CDM, perhaps opting for abstention.

Meanwhile, the Renzians are already looking to the next step: the vote on the Costa bill that aims to repeal the Bonafede reform. "We vote to return to the law of the Democratic Party and we hope that the issue will be resolved by then, because there are so many things to do", explains Renziano Luigi Marattin.

The vote on the award Annibali surprise slips tomorrow
Towards evening, the decision to postpone the vote on the 'Annibali award' - amendment to the Milleprorghe, which provides for the postponement of one year of the effectiveness of the new rules on prescription - for the fear of the majority to go below. Moreover, already in a previous vote, on a proposal by the radical Magi, the majority was saved by only two votes, with Iv sided with the center-right.

Face to face Conte-Fico
Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte continues not to intervene officially in the internal dispute of the majority, even if in the past few hours both concern and irritation for what is happening has filtered out. In the afternoon, he had a two-hour talk with President of the Chamber Roberto Fico. A routine meeting, it is explained, which is part of the periodic talks on updating parliamentary work. It is unlikely that the issue of prescription and internal fibrillations of the Giallorossi has not been addressed, but also the slowdown of the Milleproroghe process, whose arrival in the Chamber has been postponed again and on which the use of trust is now taken for granted.

Renzi attacks: "Zingaretti chases the grillini, is a justicialist"
Meanwhile, Renzi continues to pick: on the prescription "Zingaretti is a bit embarrassed, I understand it, the history of the Democratic Party is a history of guarantee, on this story instead he chases the grills, he is the justicialist. , but if you want to chase them ... ". As for Conte, the judgment on the premier "we will see him at the end of the game. The first half he played with the shirt of the populists and it did not go well because the growth has reset and the economic situation has unfortunately worsened. Let's see if in second half, changing shirt, also changes pace of play and pace ".

The response of the secretary Pd: "An unbearable theater"
The dem secretary is not tender: "Italia viva is the main cause of fibrillation in this case and is doing Matteo Salvini a favor". So, Zingaretti launches the thrust: "I would call Iv's a strategic failure. I understand that the polls are going badly, but first of all we need to think about the Italians and not about themselves". And the role they play is "opposition" and this "situation is becoming truly unbearable". As for the motion of no confidence, Zingaretti cuts short: "An unbearable little theater of bad politics that Italians can't take anymore". The Guardasigilli flaunts tranquility: "I am working without making the bank to whoever wants it to raise the tone. I go on my way".

And the political leader M5s, Vito Crimi invites the allies to stop with "the controversy. We work for faster and fairer processes".

In the evening, Iv announces that he has no intention of withdrawing the Annibali award. "No, don't hope so," replies Ettore Rosato, coordinator of Italia viva, to those who ask him about the rumors circulating in the majority according to which the vote on the Annibali award on the prescription is postponed until tomorrow because Iv is thinking of withdrawing it.