This month marks 75 years since the birth of Bob Marley, who was born in a tropical winter in northern Jamaica on the sixth of February 1945, to become the property of pop music, and becomes the only singer who managed to stop the civil war in his country.

Although Bob Marley did not live until he reached the age of forty, to this day he still adores millions, including those who were born years after his death, and in this report published by the Russian newspaper "Izvestia" we review the path of this artist.

Bob Marley came under heavy criticism from black extremists and white racists for his activism in advocating African unity during the 1970s, but the spiritual element of this star's music attracted people greatly.

Peace inspiring
Bob Marley entered the international stage professionally in 1972, but he was known for his modesty. In one of his statements, he said, "I love my guitar, but frankly I do not consider myself skilled at playing it", and that he was probably joking. Erik Clapton called him the "god of guitar" and described him The best guitar player in the world.

Bob Marley's first albums were an inspiration to the Western audience, and years later, Marley's destiny changed and became a true star and reggae (styles from African Caribbean Jamaican music) transformed from exotic music coming from a remote tropical island to a universally recognized style, and yet the militants in Jamaica and beyond faced Bob Marley's success in a strange way, as they considered Marley abandoned its roots and lost its power.

Bob Marley's character has evolved to become the most bizarre in the history of Western popular culture, becoming a recognized leader of his chosen musical concept, along with his unique political activity.

It cannot be erased from memory
In the mid-seventies of the twentieth century, political differences escalated in Jamaica and turned into a real civil war in which the level of crime increased, so that Bob Marley's home was attacked in 1976, and despite that, Marley held a free concert two days after the attack in an attempt to reconcile the wrestlers, so the opposing political parties met In front of it.

Doctors diagnosed Marley in 1977 with a malignant tumor of his older toe, and a rumor spread among his fans that he had been injured while playing football, while others said that his injury was caused by the voodoo curse that magicians unleashed on him, but the truth is that the world star got cancer.

Marley tried to resort to traditional medicine and to more advanced medicine, but to no avail, and on May 11, 1981 he died in Miami and his last words were "money cannot buy life", he was buried in Jamaica and got honors, and he said about him the new prime minister of the country Then Edward Sayaga "This person cannot be erased from memory, it is part of the collective consciousness of the nation."