• Germany, Karrenbauer is the new Cdu leader. The era of Angela Merkel ends


February 10, 2020 Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has decided not to run for chancellor and will soon give up the presidency of the CDU, a source close to the party reports.

Kramp-Karrenbauer said in a morning, in a meeting of the leaders of the Christian Democratic Party CDU, that "he does not intend to run for the German chancellery", added the source, in the midst of the national political crisis for a regional alliance with the extreme right.

Karrenbauer announced to the party that he wanted to "organize the candidacy for the chancellery for the summer, that he wanted to prepare for the future and then wanted to leave the presidency of the CDU". Akk's decision is a clear consequence of the strong weakness of his leadership which has become evident in the Thuringian case.