A recent statistical report published by the British National Statistical Office (government) showed that one-fifth of Britons were victims of sexual harassment when they were in childhood, and he said that one in five people between the ages of 18 and 74 are currently subjected to one of the types of sexual harassment in their childhood, and that the number This category reached 8.5 million people.

The report's data indicated that three million of the 8.5 million were subjected to sexual exploitation before they reached the age of 16, while 481,000 were financially neglected by their families and their surroundings.

The report indicated that the rate of women being harassed in childhood is higher compared to men, and that one woman out of every 4 women was harassed in her childhood, and said that last year, 227,000 cases of exploitation against children were recorded, according to police records, while 52,260 children were included To the country's child protection program.