Tags and inscriptions on the campaign room of MP Valérie Oppelt. - LREM

They acted in the middle of the afternoon. A dozen individuals wearing colored masks attacked Thursday the facade of the campaign room of Valérie Oppelt, LREM candidate for mayor of Nantes. Tags hostile to Emmanuel Macron were written in paint, while an inscription "the economy reigns supreme" was stuck on the window, located rue Voltaire, close to the Museum of Natural History.

The team of the one who is also a member for Loire-Atlantique was inside when the incident occurred. "They tried to force the door," explains Valérie Oppelt, who adds: "We will not give in to intimidation."

A dozen masked individuals attacked our premises & degraded the facade. They tried to force the door. Thank you @ PoliceNat44 for your responsiveness.
We will not give in to intimidation & continue the # Municipales2020 # Nantes # Stopviolence # Respectdeladémocratie pic.twitter.com/Lfb9ErxOC5

- Valérie Oppelt - Nantes Avec Vous (@NantesAvecVous) February 6, 2020

On Twitter, former Minister François de Rugy, who supports the candidate, was indignant. “These modes of action have no place in democracy. If they believed in the strength of their ideas and their arguments, they would not practice coups. "

A complaint has been made.


Municipal in 2020 in Nantes: LREM candidate Valérie Oppelt unveils her list (without Rugy)


Municipal 2020 in Nantes: What do the candidates propose to protect the planet on a daily basis?

  • LREM
  • News Nantes
  • Emmanuel Macron
  • municipal
  • News
  • Nantes