Videos shared by Chinese on social media showed local authorities in the Chinese city of Wuhan sterilizing entire streets against the new Corona virus.

According to the videos, the local authorities in Wuhan - from which the virus originated - relied on bulldozers and large trucks, while a white mist resulting from the sterilization materials used covered the city streets.

武漢 で の 大型 タ ン 車 に よ る ジ ェ ト 噴出 消毒 こ つ つ よ ic ic

- HattoriM (@HattoriM) February 6, 2020

This comes as Chinese authorities have ordered millions of city dwellers not to leave their homes until the city's streets are completely sterilized against the virus.

According to press reports, bulldozers and trucks sterilize the streets of Hangxi, a city of 2.7 million people, in Hubei Province.

Ic , 消毒 集

- Ray Lau (@fiteray) February 6, 2020

The sterilization process targets roads, shops, public parks, shopping centers and other city facilities, to coincide with the absence of public spaces in the population.

数 の 患者 数 1200 人 超 か 。。

コ ロ ナ ウ イ ル ス の 発 生 考慮 し て 中国 政府 が 住宅 地域 全体 に 消毒 剤 散布 て い る み た い 😷 肺炎 # 肺炎 # 新型 コ ロ ナ ウ イ ル ス # 中国 # FCfYY pic

- わ っ し ょ い ✳ (@wassyoimona) January 25, 2020

Local press reports say that the authorities have instructed residents to stay in their homes and close the doors and windows of their homes from nine in the evening.

カ メ ラ 近 く に 寄 て み ま し た。 # 武漢 # 新型 ロ ナ ウ ィ ル ス # 消毒 作業 # 肺炎 # 中国

- わ っ し ょ い ✳ (@wassyoimona) February 6, 2020

The outbreak of the Corona virus began in Wuhan, China, in late December, and its death toll has risen to 563 as of Thursday, and more than 28,000 infections nationwide.

- Ray Lau (@fiteray) February 6, 2020

Nearly 25 countries confirmed cases on their soil of the virus, which first appeared in a wildlife market in Wuhan.