In 2021, all of Sweden will sort out its food waste. But there is an area in the inland of Norrland that wants to defy the injunction, a large area where few people live.

The so-called A municipalities, Arvidsjaur and Arjeplog, collaborate on waste management. They have had a very difficult time getting the equation together to sort out the food waste without it being both expensive and complicated.

- It's not that we want to avoid the sorting of food waste, but there are better solutions for municipalities with our conditions, says Åsa Andersson, community building manager at Arvidsjaur.


Together with eight other inland municipalities (Dorotea, Lycksele, Malå, Norsjö, Sorsele, Storuman, Vilhelmina and Åsele) they have done a study on how food waste can be disposed of.

There are still many questions about how it should go and how expensive it will be for citizens.

After the investigation, the A-municipalities have gone to the brink to avoid sorting. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency appears to have listened and now there is a proposal that some municipalities may receive an exemption.

- We have worked pretty hard for it, so it's great and we feel that they have listened to us, says Åsa Andersson, community building manager at Arvidsjaur.

Proposed exception

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has sent out a referral to change the waste disposal. The answers to this should be in March 6 and the idea is that the exemption should start from July 5.