At the microphone of "La Libre antenne", Laura talks about the jealousy she experiences when she is in a relationship, as well as her need to control her romantic relationships. Recently injured by her partner, she confides in and asks Olivier Delacroix for advice on her relationship with this partner in whom she does not trust.


Laura always experiences great jealousy when she is in a relationship, a feeling which, according to her, puts her romantic relationships in difficulty. Injured by the fact that her current partner continues to watch pornographic films when she asked him to stop, Laura gives herself up to Olivier Delacroix, at the microphone of "La Libre antenne" on Europe 1, on his need to control his couple and about their fear of loneliness .

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"My jealousy in the couple rots my life and destroys all my relationships. I realized that I needed to control my couple. If the person with whom I am interested in someone else , whether it's a woman, her family or her friends, I can't control it and it bothers me. As soon as her attention is focused on someone else, not more about me only, it hurts me. I'm not exaggerating, I really feel hurt. When I'm in a relationship, I cry a lot, I feel constantly hurt, I feel like the person doesn't love me not.

Heard on europe1:

He told me to stop doubting because I was going to destroy our relationship

I have been with my partner for two years. At the start of our relationship, I discovered he was going to porn sites and asked him to stop. We argued, but he agreed. I was often suspicious, I asked him if he continued to do so. He said no and stop doubting because I was going to destroy our relationship. I couldn't believe it. We had a discussion yesterday about this. It was the discussion of the last chance.

He admitted to me that he was still going to these sites. I feel betrayed and I'm hurt that he does it. He did not apologize. According to him, it's normal that he lied to me because I was unbearable with that, and that he didn't want to hurt me by admitting it to me. I asked him to stop because it hurts me. He replied that if it hurt me, we had to break up because he wouldn't stop.

Heard on europe1:

Going to these sites makes me think I don't like him enough

This has consequences on our sex life, I can no longer have relationships with him. That he goes to these sites makes me think that I am not enough for him and that I do not like him enough. He repeats to me that it has nothing to do, that he finds me very attractive, that it is an individual pleasure. It is justified by the fact that he is a man, that they are impulses. To me, this justification is ridiculous because not all men do it.

After this discussion on porn sites, he told me that he was going to stop the time that I was better compared to that and the time that we find a sex life. He can't promise me that he will stop completely one day and that it probably won't happen, but he is ready to make an effort. I hope that we both change and that we manage to match the expectations of the other. From the moment he knows it hurts me and hurts me to the point where I can no longer have sex with him and if he loves me, he should be able to make efforts, even stop.

Heard on europe1:

I took him away from his family and friends

My previous relationship lasted seven years. I was 18, it was my first big relationship. It ended very badly because I destroyed it by constantly putting bans. Everything was normal at first and after a while I wanted to control more and more things. My boyfriend was very in love and adorable, he let me do everything without setting limits and I went further and further. I took him away from his family and friends, I prevented him from seeing women.

I was very focused on my relationship. I also put my parents and my brother aside. I abandoned my friends. So when my relationship ended, I found myself alone. I realized that when I am in a relationship, I am completely obsessed. I blamed her for a lot, I was constantly yelling at her. I think I had a general malaise that I blamed on him. I was waiting for him to be there for me, perhaps to compensate for that.

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At the end of my previous relationship, about four years ago, I had been in depression for a long time, but at that point I hit rock bottom and was suicidal. I went to a therapist and took antidepressants for a while. I discussed these matters with my psychologist who told me that I did not need help. He told me that I was aware of what was happening to me, and that I just had to do something about it. The problem is that I know what's wrong, but I can't make a difference.

Heard on europe1:

I feel like it's my lifebuoy to get out of loneliness

The year after the breakup, I was not well but I found my old friends, I went out again. Despite everything, I still felt a lack because I was alone. I had my parents, my friends, but I had no partner. I left for a week alone on vacation in Spain, on a whim. I always remember it as one of the best weeks of my life because I was alone and I did what I wanted when I wanted, I loved it.

But I still felt alone. I met my current boyfriend there and I hung on to him. Whenever I meet someone, I tell myself that this person could be my next relationship and I do everything to be together. I feel like it's my lifebuoy to get out of loneliness.