The recent amendments to the federal law regarding "organizing labor relations" confirmed that the employer may not terminate or warn the service of a working woman because of her pregnancy, and the termination of service in this case is considered arbitrary by virtue of Article (122) of the law.

Federal Decree No. (6) of 2019 amending some provisions of Federal Law (8) of 1980 regarding the regulation of work, which was recently issued, added a set of new articles stating that “it is prohibited to distinguish between persons, which would weaken equal opportunities or Violating equality in obtaining the job, continuing with it, and enjoying its rights. It is also prohibited to distinguish between them in jobs with single job tasks. The Minister of Human Resources and Emiratisation shall issue in coordination with the concerned authorities in the state the decisions regulating the work in which employment of both sexes is prohibited, and the operating controls therein.

Article (34) affirmed that he will be criminally responsible for the implementation of the provisions of Chapter Two of this chapter, each of: the employers, or their representatives, and those who have jurisdiction or guardianship over the juvenile, if he agrees to employ it in contravention of the provisions of this law.

Article (42) reviewed the vocational training contract, stating that it is the contract whereby the owner of the facility is obliged to provide full vocational training consistent with the profession’s principles to another person, who has completed at least 12 years of age, and is obliged in turn to work during the training period for the employer, according to the terms and time that They agree.

She also stressed the necessity of the contract to be in writing, otherwise it is void, and that the employer or the person who undertakes the training has sufficient qualifications and experience in the profession to be trained, and that the establishment has the conditions and capabilities necessary to learn the profession.

The facility shall abide by the regulations, decisions and regulations issued by the Minister of Human Resources and Emiratisation to train citizens. The Minister, or whoever he authorizes, may specify the establishments that commit to training, the duration of training, the obligations and rights of both the trainee and the facility.

Unfair dismissal

According to Article 122 of the Federal Labor Law No. (8) of 1980 regarding the regulation of labor relations, the termination of the service of the worker by the employer is considered arbitrary if the reason for the termination is not related to work and performance in relation, and in particular if the termination of the service of the worker due to his filing a serious complaint to Competent authorities, or file a claim against the business owner that has been proven true.