Diplomats said that US President Donald Trump's adviser, Jared Kushner, will present to the UN Security Council ambassadors today the details of the American plan to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, or what is known as the "deal of the century", while Tunisia and Indonesia distributed to the council members a draft resolution. Against the deal.

Diplomats stated that the draft resolution denounces the American plan, which aims to annex West Bank settlements to Israel, and made it clear that although the United States would apparently use its veto power to prevent the passage of the draft resolution, it nonetheless reflects some bleak view of the plan. The peace Trump announced last week.

The diplomats said that negotiations on the text of the draft resolution will likely begin this week, and it is expected that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will talk about the peace plan before the Security Council next week, perhaps at a time coinciding with a vote on the draft resolution.

According to Reuters, the draft resolution stresses the illegality of annexing any part of the occupied Palestinian territories, and stresses the need to accelerate international and regional efforts to start credible negotiations on all final status issues in the Middle East peace process without exception.

The use of the United States' veto power in the Security Council would allow the Palestinians to submit the draft resolution to the 193-nation United Nations General Assembly, where the vote would demonstrate the international response to the Trump peace plan.

In addition, the Kuwaiti National Assembly expressed its rejection and condemnation of the American peace plan related to the Palestinian issue, calling on the government in a statement, issued yesterday, to continue in the position rejecting the project.

The Belgian Foreign Minister, Philippe Ovt, confirmed his country's commitment to a two-state solution to peace in the Middle East, and respect for international law. Ovat, after meeting his Lebanese counterpart Nassif even in Beirut, said yesterday: “We discussed the American peace project, and I repeat my country's position that I personally announced in Parliamentary debate, which is our commitment to a two-state solution and respect for international law, and we are informed of the intention of the League of Arab States to go to the UN Security Council, and we support this path and the right to express the Arab position ».

He pointed out that his country assumed, in the beginning of February, the presidency of the United Nations Security Council at its current session, which will focus on putting three issues on the table, which is transitional justice and the place occupied by Europe and the European Union in institutions such as this Council.

The Iranian leader, Ali Khamenei, said on Iranian television yesterday that the Middle East peace plan put forward by the United States of America is doomed to failure, adding: “The deal of the century will die before Trump dies himself,” according to his description.

In addition, a Palestinian was martyred by the bullets of the occupation yesterday evening, in confrontations in the city of Hebron in the occupied West Bank, and the Palestinian Ministry of Health said that the boy Muhammad Salman Al-Haddad (17 years) was killed by a bullet fired by the Israeli occupation soldiers and penetrated his heart, and eyewitnesses stated that clashes erupted between a number Few Palestinian youths and boys, and the occupation forces near a military checkpoint in the city.