Democratic Iowa Party members rally 86%, Butejedge holds top position on February 6 at 7:25

Opposition and Democratic parties aiming to retake power from President Trump in the US presidential election in November continue to tabulate the Iowa party rally, which kicked off the selection of candidates. According to the Associated Press, the tabulation rate is 86%, close to 90%, and the middle school mayor South Bend, the former mayor of Butigejj, has surpassed the left-wing Senator Sanders by a slight margin to maintain the leadership position.

Opposition and Democrats in the midwest of the state of Iowa on March 3 have been trying to confirm the results manually due to problems with the tallying system.

According to the Associated Press, the count has risen to 86%, with 26.7% of middle-minded Mayor of South Bend before Butigej, followed by 25.4% of Senate Sanders on the left, 18.3% of Senate Warren on the left, and 18.3% of Senate Biden in the middle Former Vice President continues with 15.9%, and the youngest of the 11 candidates, 38-year-old Butigejedge, is 1.3 points ahead of second-placed Sanders, holding 1.3 points. Biden, who has been a leader in the US approval rating due to his high profile and past performance, is behind in fourth place.

It is not clear when the final summary results will be announced, but Iowa's election results will largely determine where candidates will be selected in the future, so there is continuing interest in winning and losing. Are gathering.