Democratic Iowa State Assembly Rally Butidgege Remains Leading February 4 at 4:30

Iowa's party rally, which began the process of selecting opposition and Democratic candidates for the U.S. presidential election, is still being counted, and a moderate Mayor of South Bend, a former Mayor of Butigejedge, has left Senator Sanders, a leftist, a few. We have surpassed the gap and remain in the lead.

Opposition and Democratic Party members in the midwestern state of Iowa, who are seeking to regain power in the November presidential election in November, are still checking their results by hand due to problems with the tallying system.

According to the Associated Press, the aggregation rate was 71%, with 26.8% of the middle mayor in front of Butigej's former Mayor of South Bend, followed by 25.2% of left-side Senators Sanders, 18.4% of the same-left left Senator Warren, and before Biden of the middle school. The Vice President continues at 15.4%, with the youngest of the 38-year-old and eleven candidates, Butjejedge, remaining 1.6 points ahead of second-placed Sanders.

American media reported that Bettejedge was ahead of most expectations, while Biden, who had the highest rating in the United States due to its high profile and past performance, was fourth. Some observers believe that the factions may have to rethink their strategies.

It is not clear when the rest of the results will be announced, but Iowa's election results will continue to be a major factor in the choice of candidates in the future, so there is continuing interest in winning and losing. Is.