
In November, a partial result was announced at the Democratic Iowa Caucus, who voted against Trump in the US presidential election. Washington correspondent connects.

Correspondent Kim Soo-hyung, please tell me more about the results of the Democratic Iowa Caucus just before.


Surprising elections have happened. Former South Bend Mayor Pete Bootage was ranked 1st with 26.9 percent of the Democratic Iowa Caucus.

Second place was Sanders, with 25.1 percent, and Warren with 18.3 percent.

The boutique candidate has a more moderate policy than the younger age, and voters have seen a great chance of winning the finals.

But it's not the whole count. The Democrats say this is the result of counting 62 percent.

Biden won the fourth place with 15.6 percent of the votes.


On the other hand, in the Republican Caucus, President Trump won the game, the highest in ratings?


Yes, it is. President Trump, I feel very good.

Republican candidates are the same as Trump, but the Iowa Republican Caucus won a 97.1% vote.

On Twitter, the Democratic Caucus was a complete disaster, pinning that nothing worked as Democrats took power.

The US Gallup poll also showed encouraging results, with the country's approval rating of 49 percent, the highest since its inauguration.

The impeachment tribunal in connection with the Ukrainian scandal is certain to receive an indemnity in the United States Senate tomorrow (fourth day).