Many people have visited the Visualization Center in Norrköping to see exhibitions or perhaps to study and research visualization. It is all about presenting complicated and sometimes large amounts of data in an understandable way.

What is exploranation?

Scientists are exploring reality to increase our common knowledge. The researchers then use visual aids to present new findings, but visualization can also be used in the exploration itself. Exploring is called exploring in English.

The paradigm of visualization centers is to tell with moving, interactive images about scientific facts and discoveries. It is important to explain, explain in English.

If you put the words explore and explain together you can form the word exploranation. That word uses Linköping University to describe the cross-fertilization that can be achieved when researchers' ways of presenting are combined with the educational way of presenting that is directed at the public.

The idea is that new ways of telling complicated facts should attract more people, both young and old, to learn more about science and research.

New guest professorship

To find new ways to tell, a new laboratory is being built on the fifth floor of the Visualization Center. In addition, a guest professorship is funded by a donation from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The chairman of the foundation is Peter Wallenberg Jr. and he is really passionate about the work of the Visualization Center.

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Peter Wallenberg Jr. on Visualization Center Photo: SVT