Already there are changes in many jobs due to new technology. In SVT's "Document based on: AI - threat or opportunity", examples are given of which professional groups are at risk of disappearing as a result of automation, one of them being shop staff.

- The trade is facing a great deal of automation, while at the same time we see an increased interest in personal relationships and service. Jobs that require interaction with other people are more difficult to replace. Based on my studies, I believe more in a future where there is a collaboration between man and machine, than that the machines take over jobs completely, says Elena Raviola, professor of business and design at the University of Gothenburg.

Increased unemployment

In December, the Swedish Employment Agency's statistics showed that unemployment in Sweden rose from 6.9 to 7.2 per cent in one year. One of the reasons behind the increase is considered to be the development of technology with digitalisation and artificial intelligence that places new demands on workers.

- Several researchers argue that automation can lead to increased unemployment, job vacancies and increased income gaps in society, says Elena Raviola.

She explains that the development of AI can be compared to the previous revolutions that have taken place in the labor market, such as industrialization and computerization.

- All previous industrial revolutions have led to the disappearance of jobs - but the more have been added. Which jobs will come is difficult to say because our ability to imagine the future is limited by the reality we live in today, says Elena Raviola.

More aspects come into play

As the development of AI progresses, even the work done by well-educated people can be taken over as machines begin to understand and solve problems on their own.

- What jobs will disappear will not only depend on technology, but also different types of social aspects. Doctors could be replaced by AI in the future, at the same time the profession is considered a high profession and has a lot of power, which makes the profession more resilient to this type of change.

- We will also ask ourselves if we really want to replace certain professions with machines.

Want to know more about how AI will affect humans? "Document from the outside: AI - threat or opportunity" can be seen already on SVT Play or in SVT2 on Sunday, February 2 at 22:00.