• Pesaro, group leader M5S, becomes councilor of the Municipality with Pd guidance. Wrath of Crimi


by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea February 02, 2020 A reshuffle of Giunta in Pesaro that is giving a nice political shock at national level. The decision of the mayor Matteo Ricci to call the Pesaro executive, after a long courtship with various 'stand by me' with final capitulation of the group leader and municipal councilor of the M5S, Francesca Frenquellucci - who eventually accepted the post of councilor for Innovation of the Municipality of Pesaro- is provoking reactions at national level for this political laboratory.

The administrative alliance in Pesaro between the Democratic Party and the M5S immediately made us think of an experiment in view of the spring regional elections, an alliance so dear and desired by the secretary of the Democratic Party Nicola Zingaretti.

The Cinquestelle exponent had received a letter from the political leader, Vito Crimi, in recent days, in which she was invited to self-suspend in case of acceptance of the assignment. Otherwise, his dossier would have been scrutinized by the probivirs, because "joining a junta that is not a 5-star guide" is "incompatible with the permanence within the Movement".

Matteo Ricci for his part, through social media (post Facebook), relaunches his political laboratory and says: "I think we can be the first municipality in Italy to create a collaboration of this type; after all, we are strong of the consistency of the path we have made together and the results obtained in such a short time. In the national and city political conditions that have been created, Francesca's accession seems to me to be the natural consequence ".

The first citizen explains that: "I invented three new departments: Kindness, Innovation and Rigor. On Tuesday 4 February at 9 we will make the first renewed Junta and at 10:30 with Francesca Frenquellucci we will hold the press conference".

The pentastellata Francesca Frenquellucci as councilor for Innovation has obtained the powers of economic activities, computer networks and digital city, demographic services, new participation, University.

The new organization chart of the city council of Pesaro , after the 'adjustments' of the mayor Matteo Ricci, who kept the city planning and marketing for himself, foresees: Daniele Vimini is deputy mayor and councilor for Beauty (Culture and tourism, twinning and international cooperation, national and EU funding research); Enzo Belloni Councilor for Operations (New works, maintenance, roads, public green spaces and civil protection); Francesca Frenquellucci joins the council as councilor for innovation; Giuliana Ceccarelli, Councilor for Kindness and Growth (Educational services, School, equal opportunities, and fight against hatred); Riccardo Pozzi joins the council as penalty commissioner (Budget, Heritage, Security and local police); Andrea Nobili is Councilor for Rapidity (Urban Planning, One Stop Shop and Private Building); Sara Menguzzi Councilor for Solidarity (Social services, family and elderly policies); Mila Della Dora Councilor for Cohesion and Wellness (Staff, Health and Nutrition, Sport, Home Policies, Immigration, Volunteering, Neighborhoods, Youth Policies (); Heidi Morotti Councilor for Sustainability (Environment, Energy, Transport, Affiliated Companies, Mobility and cycle paths, villages and castles, Union of Municipalities). The mayor has assigned Rito Briglia as city councilor who becomes Disability Manager : "We must do more and better on the subject of accessibility. Rito will certainly be able to put together the various policies to achieve the goal ". Ricci finally reminds the former commissioner Antonello Delle Noci at no cost" to help us on issues where we must manage a transition phase: merger with Monteciccardo, union of municipalities, reorganization of investee companies ". Delle Noci will be appointed president of Marche Multiservizi.

"Good luck and good work to all. In particular to Francesca - concludes Ricci -. We are certainly a team that is very committed and who loves our beautiful Pesaro very much. We will do our best".